Denial Never mind, it should be one word, the tattooed epitaph of a generation. Nevermind, the raven builds its nest with twigs of apathy and nihilism. Nevermind, we have out shelters constructed from turned eyes. Nevermind, we won’t hear the bombs through the screening of our boredom. Nevermind, we won’t feel the blast past cemented layers of sloth. |
Drinking Belfast will soon drink up and go home, as soon as it has finished beating down on its neighbour. Belfast will be drinking up and heading home just as soon as it finishes pissing behind this barstool. Belfast is just about to down its pint and head on home, after blowing its taxi fare on the grease-ridden slot machine in the corner. Belfast will momentarily slurp the dregs and head out the door but only after making a horrendous pass at its best mate’s girl. Belfast drinks up and goes home only to find that no one cares to remember where its home is. |