Rain I saw a piece of rain-soaked paper that said BEAST on it. A step closer revealed it to say BELFAST. |
Remembrance These are my people: I will make the pilgrimage west to the site of carnage and lay prayers for their rest. And I will see the blood seep between blasted wood. They try to take my people in name of their bloody cause to illustrate a message that the campaign will never pause. It has been drawn out with their limbs, names now troubled pseudonyms. |
Rivers I walk the banks you casually grace and admire the soft wonder flowing through my day. You are the ebb of the Lagan, the Farset, Blackwater, the forest starlet, at once the old man resting with his wisdom and the young at eternal play. There is no need to conjure the faeries and nymphs of other tales, I have my small piece of magic in you, watching with a calm heart and a sunlit smile, I bow gently to your elemental majesty. |
Roads The road out of this town is elusive: a dirt track through marshland, a meadow path, a cobblestone street, twisting river forming banks from broken earth, searching for the sea. I followed the water, hoping not to find a delta or the mouth of the bay, but for captured rain to turn into itself, creating a perfect circle, a circle of distance, of indifference to take out of this town and afford me a variant of viewpoint. |